Friday, March 19, 2010

Party Time!

If more of you don't start commenting, I am going to assume I have no one to reward with the contests I have lined up!!! You do not need an account to comment! Simply select "Anonymous" but leave your name!
Hey Readers!
It's time for a Party, don't you think? I DO!
This Party won't be until May 22nd though. I am getting so many details ready for it!

Here's the plan, though, and give me feedback!
Location: NOAH'S

NOAH'S is amazing. They have generously provided a perfect area enough for 85 guests! I know that sounds like a lot, but 85 goes pretty quick. I've already sold 6 tickets and I just barely mentioned it on Facebook 6 hours ago.

Tara Starling is going to come!She is so wonderful! She is going to come show us the tricks-of-the-trade in Makeup artistry! She has worked on the set of High School Musical 1,2 and 3 as well Saints and Soldiers, The Fastest Indian and more! Not only is she a genius when it comes to outward appearance, but she is a perfect rolemodel to what inner beauty is as well. She'll be there teaching us the ins and outs of beauty--literally!

Jessie Clark Funk is coming! Woot Woot! I know you all know her and her music! She is probably one of the sweetest people I have had the privilege of meeting! Her voice is amazing. She will be performing and sharing her thoughts on the importance of Talent and develping those talents to not only benefit you, but others around you!

You can hear some of her music at !!

I'm lining up gift baskets, a service project, goodie bags for each guest, and lots of other things!

I've got more guests lined up for our entertainment! This is "so far".

Throw back any ideas you've got!

P.S. I have the Event on facebook. Join there to get an eclusive invitation and first dibbs on tickets! THEY WILL GO FAST!! Click here to get to the Facebook Event page.


  1. I want to go! That sounds so cool!
    Just e-mail you? How do I get tickets?


  2. I want to go. I love Jessie Clark Funks music! She is inspiring. How do I get tickets as well?!


  3. I want one, too. This really sounds fun. How much are tickets, etc.

  4. I think this event sounds amazing!! I was talking to my sisters about it last night and they seemed interested. I couldn't remember the date and time so I will hopefully be getting back to you soon for tickets!! So fun!
